It’s very important to put consumers in the Right Context. And it’s just as important to give them the Right Assignments. That is, if you want to get great insights from them….
Even if a group of participants looks rather homogenous, they may approach what’s asked of them quite differently. Some are left brain, others are more right. Our assignments encourage thoughtfulness and thoroughness – no matter which way your brain works best.
We put as much thought into what we ask as we do how we ask it. Each assignment is designed to achieve a specific aspect of the objective. And all assignments are designed to work together to paint vivid pictures in full color. No assignment is too extreme or too small to keep us from answering your questions.
And because of our strong heritage in setting expectations while recruiting, participants will do some amazing things for us. They’ll journal, take pictures, scrapbook, invite us into their homes for a day, wear spy glasses, and even give up a product they love for a month. The assignments are fun and sometimes challenging. The results can be astounding.